HEIC Photo Format Problem is Lack of Support

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This is a RANT video (kinda). But, Fujifilm channel fans: I'm returning to more Fuji-based videos and tutorials soon. Those, with the occasional product review, will be forthcoming. See the end of this video for more info on my upcoming time away. It's been over two years now since the HEIC photo file format was made default for all Apple devices. And yet, support is still lacking, particularly on the world wide web.

In this (mostly RANT video) I explain what's going on with this, as well as how to set your phone back to saving all photos to JPEG format. Yes, I know there was probably another 1/2 dozen things I could have said about free HEIC to JPEG converters, workflow changes, apps that shoot in RAW format, etc. But that's not the point. The point is that under a default setup of the new iPhone 11 Pro, your photos won't be supported much of anywhere outside the walled garden of a few tech and media companies.

By the way, I'm not trying to pick on Camera Bits (say that 10 times fast). Photo Mechanic is awesome... and I use it every single day, since importing and culling into Lightroom basically sucks with regard to speed. However, we're two years into this now and HEIC needs to be supported... by everyone. I'd say the same thing for any other photo editing software or apps, but Photo Mechanic is the one I use the most.