Viltrox 33mm f/1.4 Fuji Lens Review

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Viltrox 33mm Fuji lens review for Fujifilm XT4, XT3, XT2 camera. Also, the Viltrox 33mm vs. Fuji 35mm lens on shooting scenarios and a tutorial/discussion about exposure and aperture issues hopefully addressed by firmware updates.


1. Minimum focus distance info published by Viltrox is 40cm. My tests in the real world showed 38cm. (less is better of course)

2. Lens is $279 not $270 as mentioned in video. My mistake on that one. Guilty as charged.

3. Some tests/scenes in the video were left on the cutting room floor for time purposes. One in particular showed a test against lens flaring. This lens does have some lens flaring that’s noticeable and you can see a brief shot of this very early on in the video when I pan down from the trees.

4. Of the three aperture issues I mentioned, I believe that 2 of out of 3 of them are more annoyances to myself personally than anything else. Other users of this lens may not experience these issues. The first one I mentioned, the aperture jump issue, is the most significant since I had to keep setting it to the correct one after playback — and hopefully will be fixed in the next firmware update. I will retest and publish a follow-up video if this is the case.

Viltrox 85mm Lens Review:

Andrew & Denae Viltrox 33mm lens review:

My Current Kit:

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