Connect Fujifilm As Webcam (using Fuji X Software)

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New Fujifilm X Webcam software for GFX Series, X-H1, X-Pro2, X-Pro3, X-T2, X-T3, and X-T4 cameras. Video covers how to download, install and use this webcam software.


If your computer won’t recognize the camera, make sure you have connection mode set to 'USB Tether Shooting Auto'. Go into the little wrench in your camera menu, then choose ’Connection Setting’, then ‘Connection Mode’, then choose ‘USB Tether Shooting Auto’ and try it again. ALSO: To have continuous autofocus, go to AF/MF in your camera menu settings and make sure that PRE-AF is set to ON.

Get the new Fujifilm X Webcam software here:

Little Selfie Flip Screen to see yourself on Fuji Cameras: